Thursday, December 1, 2011

AsuCaga Meme! ♥

I was influenced by Koichii and Hotaru Zala, friends and members of the AsuCaga Forever Group in Facebook, to do 'The Thirty Day Challenge', which is basically a challenge to post pictures with relation to a certain subject for thirty days. And my chosen subject was obviously, AsuCaga! \m/

Day 01:
~ My ultimate OTP!
Athrun Zala x Cagalli Yula Athha... Love them! >_<

Day 02:
~ The Best Scene Ever!
Because this was the time when Athrun proposed to Cagalli!

Day 03:
~ Their First Meeting.
This was also their first awkward moment together...>_<

Day 04:
~ Their First Kiss!
This scene looked so perfect with Earth being a background and all...^^

Day 05:
~ My favorite scene in the OST.
Gotta love this scene! Not sure with what Sunrise wanted to suggest but it definitely enhances my imagination! XD

Day 06:
~ Cagalli's first appearance.
I don't know why the hell Athrun and Kira thought she was a boy at first because even if she doesn't act like it at all, she's still very much a girl and a pretty one at that.^^

Day 07:
~ Athrun's first appearance.
Damn, this guy's hot...XD Hotaru said that this certain scene was what made her watch Gundam SEED. >_<

Day 08:
~ The source of Cagalli's name.
'Cagalli' was taken from the japanese word 'Kagaribi' meaning 'Bon fire' or the flower Kagaribi Dawn 'Red Star'.

Day 09:
~ The source of Athrun's name.
'Athrun' is actually German for 'Dawn' or 'Daybreak' and in Greek, it came from the word 'Al Athrun', a small village eastern Libya, it was originally named 'Erythron' meaning 'red'.

Day 10:
~ Chibi Cagalli!
She's so overly cute!^^

Day 11:
~ Chibi Athrun!
Well, it's kind of a baby Athrun but who cares? It's still so cute! >_<

Day 12:
~ Cagalli's Seiyuu, Naomi Shindo.
If it wasn't for her, Cagalli won't be alive... or would have another voice...XD

Day 13:
~ Athrun's Seiyuu, Akira Ishida.
We all have to agree that his voice is just to die for! >_<

Day 14:
~ Mitsuo Fukuda (GS/D Director) and his wife Chiaki Morosawa (GS/D Writer)
I don't know why I'm posting their faces but I found this pic and thought it'd be a nice pic...XD Since these two are responsible for the entire Gundam SEED/Destiny franchise, why not, right? Surprisingly though, I found this on a Lacus bashing site. LOL! Just joking! >_< It was a forum about Lacus actually but the people there weren't very kind... I also don't know why Chiaki is black and white or why her name is in the parody title... but I do have some thoughts based on the forum thread that I read there... I just don't think it'd be nice to post and spread it, so just forget it...XD

Day 15:
~ The Haumea Pendant.
This was the first shown being worn by Cagalli at all times, it only became quite symbolic after she gave it to Athrun. It wasn't supposed to mean anything that time but hints became evident as the series progressed. Damn! I want this!

Day 16:
~ Athrun's engagement ring which he gave Cagalli.
Athrun gave this to Cagalli before he left Orb to go back to Zaft. It was such a surprise when he gave it to her because noone expected it that time, not Cagalli, not Athrun and definitely not the viewers... Argh! I want this too! This will be my wedding ring, if ever I'll get married! >_<

Day 17:
~ Gender-bending Athrun!
*cough* err, yeah... there you go...XD

Day 18:
~ Cross-dressing Cagalli!
Couldn't find a decent gender-bending for Cagalli so I settled for a cross-dressing picture... Although, that's practically normal for her...XD

Day 19:
~ Demotivational picture of Cagalli!
I made it myself! But if you've seen something like this before with the same caption, I made that too, back then...^^

Day 20:
~ Demotivational Picture of Athrun!
Again, I made it myself! I honestly didn't know what to put under the caption so I just wrote 'nosebleed.' >_<

Day 21:
~ AsuCaga in SEED Mode.
What's cool about this is, while there are only five characters who can go into seed mode, being Kira, Athrun, Shinn, Cagalli and Lacus... Cagalli's the only natural who can go into seed mode and Lacus is the only one who doesn't have her seed explode...>_<

Day 22:
~ Cagalli Cosplay!
I was really amazed with this cosplayer! Come on, she does an amazing Cagalli! Probably the best Cagalli ever as well...>_<

Day 23:
~ Athrun Cosplay!
Err, well this is the best "manly" Athrun cosplay that I could find... and yeah, this is a 'she'... Lol! I was desperately looking for a good-looking Athrun 'guy' cosplayer but I couldn't find one who can pass my standards so, I settled for this cross-dresser...XD This is good enough though, she looks like a guy after all... And we all have to admit that Athrun looks like a girl too...>_<

Day 24:
~ Cagalli and her Akatsuki!
I really like this particular picture of Cagalli with her Akatsuki in the background, the middle part looks like a real-life hangar leading to a Gundam! Lol! Don't know who made this or where it came from but I really like it! >_<

Day 25:
~ Athrun and his Infinite Justice!
I couldn't really find a picture that can match Cagalli's pic so I settled with this one... Why? because in the suit he's wearing I am assured that the Gundam behind him is the Infinite Justice... Truthfully, I can't really tell the difference of all his Gundams... >_<

Day 26:
~ AsuCaga Comic Strip!
I honestly wanted a work from Sky-sama but I decided to stick with this one because it's a one-page comic strip and it's one of my favorites. Gotta love Anyssue's works too! >_<

Day 27:
~ AsuCaga Fanbabies!
Alex and Callie, the fraternal twins! It's only a fanart though, but it's still really great, ne? Makes me wish it was true... Another masterpiece from Anyssue!^^

Day 28:
~ AsuCaga Doujinshi!
Since I already posted a comic strip, I thought, why not post a page from an actual doujin? So, here it is! From the Circle 'Shimarisu No Koya', this one's entitled 'Pair 2'.

Day 29:
~ AsuCaga Trading Figures!
Err, I wish I own them but these are courtesy of Petra Ballagó, another member of the AsuCaga Forever Fandom!^^

Day 30:
~ AsuCaga Wedding!
Well, they deserve a happy ending, you know!

Hooray for me! I finished the challenge! This is really one of my greatest achievement in life! LOL!

Mission Accomplished! >_<

Monday, November 28, 2011

AsuCaga's First Meeting...♥

C.E. 71, March 08.
- Cagalli and Athrun met for the first time and spent the night on an uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean. [SEED PHASE-24]

October 02, 2004.
- The first ever broadcast of SEED PHASE-24

AsuCaga Forever! ♥

The Truth!

The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

It's been confirmed that Athrun and Cagalli DID NOT SEPARATE. Athrun did NOT get together with Meyrin! This is official!

The creator of Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny, Mitsuo Fukuda, made an appearance on television apologizing for not making it clear that Athrun had returned to Cagalli at the end, he was even wearing an Orb Admiral uniform.

Besides, interview with Naomi Shindou (who voiced "Cagalli Yula Athha") said: "... However, according to the director (Mitsuo Fukuda), he said that was the speech from the representative head's standpoint. Cagalli approaching Meyrin "Please take care of Athrun", for Meyrin, it was "You will be fine to get on the Archangel". It seems Cagalli, as the representative head, helped Meyrin by providing her a place to stay, isn't it?"

The director of the show, Mitsuo Fukuda, then created two AMC's (anime music clips) where he made this clear to fans who had missed the airing of this report. The two AMC's are known as 'Reason' and 'Akatsuki no Kuruma'. Their authenticity is proven towards the end with Fukuda's signature and Sunrise's approval.

Reason (I so love this one!)

Akatsuki No Kuruma (this one is a little cheesy because of the flowers but it has Fukuda's signature at the end which proves that he made it, so put the blame on him.)

Source: Director's Concept Gundam Seed & Seed Destiny AMC (anime music clip) Perfect Collection. Bandai Channel

By the way, I'd like to clarify that these are NOT AMVs (Anime Music Videos) but AMCs (Anime Music Clips), there's a difference! These are NOT fan-made, though they were uploaded by a fan. But if you still doubt the authenticity of these videos and the AsuCaga happy ending then, I suggest you read the forum on this link, especially those that are written in RED, posted by boredandsleepy, the same person who uploaded these videos on youtube.

Animesuki Forum

If you still have questions just sent me a message, I'd be glad to clarify anything else, as long as my brain would let me.

AsuCaga ended up together!

Spread the word people!

Thank you!

AsuCaga FOREVER! ♥

AsuCaga Profile, Facts and Trivias! ♥

Age : 16 (GS), 18 (GSD)
Alias : Goddess of Victory, The Lioness of ORB
Nationality : United Emirates of Orb [GS/GSD]
Birthday : May 18, CE 55
Genetic type : Natural
Ethnic Origin : Japanese
Hair Color : Blonde
Eye Color : Golden Amber
Blood Type : A
Height : 162 cm [GS, 164 cm [GSD]
Weight : 54 kg [GS, 48 kg [GSD]
Family : Adoptive Father (Uzumi Nara Athha), Brother (Kira Yamato), Father (Ulen Hibiki, deceased), Mother (Via Hibiki, deceased); Possible Brother (Canard Pars)
Love interests : Athrun Zala (Her Soul-Mate), Jona Roma Saran (ex-fiancé, not ex-husband)
Position/Rank : Princess (Orb) [GS, Chief Representative (Orb) [GSD, Supreme Commander (Orb) [GSD]
Mobile Suit : FX-550 Skygrasper [GS, MBF-02 Strike Rouge [GS/GSD, ORB-01 Akatsuki [GSD]

Additional Info of Cagalli:

1. Cagalli is named after Japanese word 'kagaribi' which means a 'bonfire' or a 'watch fire'.
i. It may also have come from a type of Orchid which is in deep red color, Slc Kagaribi Dawn 'Red star' Orchid.

2. There are several references to 'dawn' in groups/objects around her.
i. Her love interest, Athrun Zala's first name means 'dawn' or 'daybreak' in German.
ii. The last mobile suit she pilots, the 'Akatsuki' means 'dawn' in Japanese.
iii. The resistance group she joins is known as the 'Desert Dawn'.
iv. The disastrous counterattack after the ZAFT attack on Tassil took place at dawn.
v. The company that built the original 5 Gundams, Morgenroete, is based in Orb. 'Morgenroete' is German for 'daybreak'.

3. Although her favorite color is green, she has links to the colour red as well.
i. The 'Rouge' in the name of her first mobile suit means red in French.
ii. Her love interest, Athrun Zala, mostly pilots MSes which were all in shades of red.
iii. Her image song is 'Precious Rose'; roses are mostly known for the red colour.

4. Despite the fact that she and Kira Yamato are twin siblings, she insists that Kira is her "little" brother. This is most likely due to his meek nature in the first series. It should be noted that Kira was taken from his mother's womb early in his development and placed into an artificial womb while Cagalli was born as a Natural in her mother's womb, so the two could literally have been born at the same exact time. On another note, since Kira was taken out of their mother's womb first, he is definitely older.

Age : 16 (GS), 18 (GSD)
Alias : Alex Dino
Nationality : PLANT [GS/GSD, United Emirates of Orb [GSD]
Birthday : October 29, CE 55
Genetic Type : Coordinator
Ethnic Origin : German
Hair Color : dark violet [GS] -> navy blue [GSD]
Eye Color : Emerald Green
Blood Type : O
Height : 170 cm [GS, 174 cm [GSD]
Weight : 60kg [GSD]
Family : Father (Patrick Zala, deceased at the end of Gundam SEED), Mother (Lenore Zala, deceased)
Love Interest : Cagalli Yula Athha (His Soul-Mate), Lacus Clyne (ex-fiancé), Luna Maria Hawke (flirt), Meyrin Hawk (admirer), Meer Campbell (stalker)
Position/Rank : ZAFT Red Coat, FAITH [GS to GSD37, Colonel/Captain (Orb) [GSD45 to GSD50, Admiral (Orb Military Forces) [Destiny-Special Edition]
Mobile Suit : GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam [GS, ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam [GS, ZGMF-X23S Saviour Gundam [GSD, ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice [GSD]

Additional Info of Athrun:

1. Athrun's given name means 'dawn' or 'daybreak' in German. This is a nod to his love interest, Cagalli Yula Athha, who has several links with 'dawn'.
i. In Greek, the word 'Athrun' came from the word 'Al Athrun', it is a small village in Eastern Libya, located about 35 kilometres east of Apollonia. One of the main archaeological attractions of the town are two Byzantine basilicas, beautifully located by the sea and adorned with white marble from Proconnesus. The name Al Athrun is often spelled in various ways, like Athrun, Alathrun, L'athroun, Lathrun or Latrun. According to some sources, the town was established by the Byzantines, who originally named it 'Erythron', from the Greek ερυθρός (Erythron: 'red'), in reference to the red colour of the local earth. Another nod for Cagalli who has links to that color as well. 'Asuran' is actually just the Katakana version of Athrun.

2. He has the somewhat dubious honour of being the only character in the Cosmic Era who self destructed his mobile suits not once but twice. (He detonated the Aegis to destroy the Strike and self destructed the Justice to destroy GENESIS.) Coincidentally, in both detonations, the one who saved him was Cagalli.